Gardening Tips & Downloadable Resources

By Phelan Gardens Published
A photograph of small succulents found at Phelan Gardens

Over the years, gardeners have come to us with many different kinds of questions.   What grows here?  When does a particular plant bloom?  What do I do about this spot in my lawn?  What type of houseplant will grow in low light?  

We’ve compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions in printable PDF links listed below.   Hard copies of these brochures are also available in our garden center. 

The information given is a combination of what we’ve learned from 40+ years in the green industry, time spent in our own gardens, valuable customer input and research from the Colorado State University Extension Service.  The local Colorado State Extension of El Paso County (Help Desk Mid-April to October 719.520.7694), offers classes and information to help home gardeners and is a wonderful resource for gardeners in the Pikes Peak Region.

Soil Calculator

How many bags of soil does it take to fill up that raised bed? How many bags of compost should you buy to top dress your garden area at a depth of 2"? Use our soil calculator  (Phelan's provides bagged soils only).

Hardy Plants & Care

Food Crops

Houseplants and Indoor Gardening

Water Gardening

Native Plants

Visit the CO Native Plant Society site for more extensive information about natives for our area.  We offer native woody plants, perennials, and seeds.

Special Interest



Landscape Maintenance