Helpful Local Links

By Phelan Gardens Published
An image of an ivy plant

Want to learn something new?  Below are some wonderful gardens to visit for inspiration as well as some local organizations that help further garden-related knowledge. One of the best resources in our area is the Colorado State University Extension Service (research-based gardening information).

Local Gardening Organizations 

Colorado Native Plant Society

Colorado Springs Orchid Society

Horticultural Art Society

Pikes Peak Beekeepers Association

Pikes Peak Bonsai Society 
Meets at 6pm on the 2nd Thursday each month. Bring your tree to:
CSFD #14, 1875 Dublin Blvd (Dublin & Academy)
Contact: David Kuntz 719.352.1593

Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society (Denver)

Pikes Peak Mycological Society

Pikes Peak Permaculture

Pikes Peak Water Garden Society

Plant Select

Southern Colorado Koi Club

Sustainable Educational Experience (S.E.E)  Sustainable Educational Experience, is a non-profit that seeks to offer education and connection for our community. SEE headquarters are located on The Shire at Old Ranch, an ecological wonderland for regeneration and home to an outdoor classroom and community learning.

Public Gardens in the Area:

Colorado Springs Xeriscape Demonstration Garden (Mesa Road)

Horticultural Art Society Demonstration Gardens


And a little further away...



Colorado State University Field Trial Gardens (Fort Collins) - pictured

Cheyenne Wyoming Children's and Botanic Gardens (Cheyenne, WY)

Denver Botanic Gardens

Hudson Gardens (Littleton)