Annuals bring an exuberance and vitality to the garden. These are the flowers that bloom all summer and then say 'adieu' when the cold sets in. For hardy flowers that come back year after year, see our perennial listing. Plant these cheerful, showy flowers in-ground for season long bloom or in combination with perennials and shrubs. Or create new combos in containers that can be moved around for pops of color. See our links below to help you with these endeavors.
Fertilizing & Care
We recommend you fertilize with a slow release fertilizer at planting time (Osmocote or natural Marine Cuisine). Follow up with a good liquid fertilizer when blooming starts to fade. Many of the newer hybrid annuals do not need to be deadheaded to produce new blooms. However, it won't hurt if you choose to do this. Give haircuts later in the season as your plants become leggy. Light pruning will encourage new growth and give you fuller plants.
The annuals listed below all prefer at least 6 hours of direct sun to bloom well. Although they are all sun lovers, you will find that some bloom harder during cold weather (dianthus) while others love the heat (moss rose, zinnias).
Insider's Tip: Later in the season...treat yourself to a fun 'flower' day trip at the Ft. Collins Trial Gardens.
Pictured below is a photo display of the types of annuals we offer in Spring. Although we try to give you highlights of our line-up for Spring, we aren't able to picture EVERY annual flower we carry. So, be sure to stop by the greenhouse to see what's new! **Please note, for best selection come mid-April to mid-May. Specific varieties will change each season.**