Evergreen Trees

These stars of the winter landscape provide color and structure all year.  Larger types may be used as wind screens.  If you are a bird lover, plant an evergreen.  You will have visitors all year. Evergreens are one of the lowest maintenance choices for the landscape.   However, they will perform much better with regular watering, especially during winter months.

** Please Note:  In stock availability of specific varieties listed below will vary depending upon time of season and sales.  Delivery available based on zip code and size of tree.

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Juniper, Upright Types (Juniperus)

Widely planted because they are tough.  A good choice for windy, exposed locations.  Must be planted in well-drained soils.

Blue Arrow (Juniperus scopulorum)

Height:   10'-15'

Spread:   up to 2'

Other Notes:  Blue-green feathery evergreen that offers height but due to narrow mature spread is good for narrow spaces.

Moonglow (Juniperus scopulorum) 

Height:   12'-15'

Spread:  6'-8'

Other Notes:  Normally a pyramidal shaped juniper.  The type we offer has been pruned into a tight spiral shape.
Blue-green color.

Skyrocket  (Juniperus scopulorum)

Height:  15’-20’

Spread:  3’-4’

Other Notes: Blue –green foliage with a slender, upright growth habit.  Great vertical accent in narrow places.

** Photo Courtesy Willoway Nursery

Spartan (Juniperus chinensis—Chinese Juniper)

Height: 15’-20’

Spread: 4’-6’

Other Notes: Bright green foliage with a dense columnar habit. Great vertical accent for narrow places.

Wichita Blue  (Juniperus scopulorum--Rocky Mountain Juniper)

Height:  15’-20’

Spread:  6’-8’

Other Notes:  Feathery textured blue gray foliage. Pyramidal form.

Idyllwild Juniper (Juniperus virginiana)

Height:   12'-15'

Spread:  6'-8'

Other Notes:  Green pyramidal shaped juniper.  Hardy to Zone 4

Pine (Pinus)

Frost on a pine is quintessential Colorado.  Very pretty in winter!   Does well in windy, exposed sites.  We offer both dwarf and full-sized types.

Note:  It is normal for pines to periodically shed some of their needles toward the interior of the tree.   New growth will occur at the tips of the branches.

Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra)  AKA Black Pine

Height:  40’-50’

Spread:  25’-30’

Other Notes:  Long, stiff, dark green needles.  Holds color in winter.  Fast growing with a dense oval habit.   Due to its large size, can be utilized as a wind screen—(typically on north or west exposures).  Give this variety room to grow as it will get quite large at maturity.  Growth can be variable.

Limber Pine:  Vanderwolf (Pinus flexilis)

Height:    20’-25’

Spread:    10’-15’

Other Notes:  A graceful long-needled pine with a blue-green color.   Open branches and pyramidal shape.  Another good evergreen for smaller yards.

Spruce (Picea)

This group of evergreens is always popular and varies a great deal in size and form.

Dwarf Spruce Varieties

These Spruce varieties come in various compact forms--some slender for narrow spaces, some short and wide at the bottom, and still others offer a weeping habit. Some offer blue toned needles and others green.  Plant a variety for season long interest that offers differences in texture, color, and overall size.

Blue Spruce, 'Baby Blue' (Picea pungens)

Height: 40'

Spread: 10'

Other Notes: Tall and relatively narrow for a blue spruce.

Blue Spruce, Fat Albert (Picea pungens)

Height: 15'

Spread: 8'-10'

Other Notes: A truly blue spruce, this grafted variety is slow-growing and ideal for situations where you would like a spruce that doesn't ultimately reach 60' in height! 'Fat Albert' has a naturally straight leader and well-shaped form, even as a young tree and requires no staking or training. 2006 Plants of Merit®.

Dwarf Alberta Spruce (Picea glauca)

Height:  8’-10’

Spread:  4’-5’

Other Notes:  A slow growing dwarf type.   Popular because of its shape and small stature.  Avoid hot, dry, exposed sites.  Moist, part sun locations work well for this tree.

Norway Spruce, Weeping (Picea pendula)



Other Notes:Dark green needles on weeping evergreen branches. Offers a unique form compared to traditional evergreens. Will take on its weeping form at about 3’.

Map of Colorado Springs with Phelan Gardens location marked

Visit Our Central Colorado Springs Location

We are open all year round and always offer the seasons most popular varieties for gardeners and plant lovers alike!

Phelan Gardens
4955 Austin Bluffs Parkway.
Colorado Springs, CO, 80918

(719) 574-8058

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A photograph of various signs that point to sections of Phelan Gardens such as Perennials, Vines, Grasses and more
A small branch with the rising sun behind it