Perennials For Sun

These types of flowers are hardy to our area.  So, you can plant them once and enjoy them for years to come.   Perennials generally bloom hardest in one particular season.   But, they may overlap into the next season (ex. late spring into summer).    Ideally, you should include spring, summer, and fall blooming plants so that you will have color in your garden all season.  To help you with this effort, we've organized the flowers below by the season in which they BEGIN blooming...SpringSummer, or Fall.   Note:  See our groundcovers section for perennial groundcovers for sun.

Click here for a Listing of ALL Perennials by bloom time.

** Please Note:  Availability of specific varieties listed below will vary depending upon time of season and sales. **

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Spring Blooming

Avens / Geum (Geum chiloense)

Height: 12"-36"

Spread: 12"-18"

Bloom Color: Scarlet, orange, red or yellow

Season of Bloom: Late Spring

Other Notes: Flowers are held above deep green foliage. Easy to grow.  Long flowering when deadheaded. Sun or part sun.

Alyssum / Basket of Gold (Aurinia saxatilis)

Height: 8"-12"

Spread: 12"

Bloom Color: Yellow

Season of Bloom: Early Spring

Other Notes: Mounded plant is totally covered in flowers when in bloom. Drought tolerant. Prune heavily post bloom.

Bitter root (Lewisia)

Height: 3" foliage, 12" flowers

Spread: 5"-12"

Bloom Color: Pink, white, orange, or yellow flowers

Season of Bloom: Spring

Other Notes: A rock garden plant—very pretty when in flower. Leaves form a succulent rosette the rest of the season. Plant in WELL DRAINED soil with low fertility.

Little Peach
Little Plum
Rainbow Mix

Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)

Height: 8"-12"

Spread: 12"

Bloom Color: Masses of PURE white flowers

Season of Bloom: Spring

Other Notes: A wonderful low growing, drought tolerant plant. Leaves are semi-evergreen and provide a low, deep green mound well into winter. Trim lightly after bloom. Sun or part sun.

Comphrey (Symphytum)

Height: up to 3 feet

Spread: up to 3 feet

Bloom Color:  Lavender

Season of Bloom: Spring-Summer

Other Notes: Comphrey is an easy to grow perennial herb.  It has fuzzy leaves that can be used as a natural compost activator.   It will grow in both Sun or Shade.

Cushion Spurge (Euphorbia sp.)

Height: 18"

Spread: 18"-24

Bloom Color: Chartreuse

Season of Bloom: Spring

Other Notes: Green foliage is interesting even when not in bloom. Tinges red in fall. Milky sap can cause irritation. Sun to Part Sun.


Dianthus / Sweet William / Carnation / Pinks

Height: 12"-18"

Spread: 24"

Bloom Color: White, coral, red, pink hues, burgundy, lavender

Season of Bloom: Spring to Early Summer. Long bloom time.

Other Notes: Foliage is grass-like and can be silver or green. Many types are fragrant.

Arctic Fire
Constant Beauty Pink & White
Eastern Star Pinks
Neon Star
Raspberry Surprise
Tiny Rubies
Zing Rose

Golden Storksbill (Erodium)

Height: 8"

Spread: up to 2 feet"

Bloom Color: Light Creamy yellow

Season of Bloom: Spring-Summer, long bloom time.

Other Notes: Silvery foliage and fragrant blossoms are highlights of this easy care plant. Plant Select perennial.

Hummingbird Trumpet Mint (Monardella)

Variety: Marian Sampson

Height: 3-6"

Spread: up to 12"

Bloom Color: Bright red tubular flowers

Season of Bloom: Late Spring-Summer long bloom time.

Other Notes: A low growing native California wildflower that is attractive to hummingbirds.  Plant Select perennial.  Zone 5

Iris, Bearded / German (Iris germanica)

Height: 15"-24"

Spread: 12"-36"

Bloom Color: Wide variety from white, to lavender, purple, red, peach, yellow

Season of Bloom: Late Spring

Other Notes: Drought tolerant. Sword like leaves remain after flowers fade. Easily divided about every 3 years.

We offer 10+ varieties.  Best selection in Spring.

Lupine (Lupinus)

Height: 18"-4'

Spread: 24"-36"

Bloom Color: Large spikes of pink, purple, red, white, or blue are held above foliage.

Season of Bloom: Late Spring to Early Summer

Other Notes: Provides good late spring color. Sun or part sun.

Pasque Flower, (Pulsatilla)

Height: 4"-12"

Spread: 6"-12"

Bloom Color: Purple, blue, white, red or yellow

Season of Bloom: Spring

Other Notes: Flowers have interesting puffy seed heads post-bloom. Sun to Part Sun.

Peony (Paeonia)

Height: 24"-36"

Spread: 24"-36"

Bloom Color: Mostly shades of white, pink, red or white. Single or double.

Season of Bloom: Late Spring

Other Notes: Deep green leaves on a mounded shrub-sized plant are a pretty foil for other flowering perennials. Sun or part sun. Long lived.
Assorted Varieties

Poppy, Icelandic (Papaver)

Height: Foliage 12", flowers 18"

Spread: 12"

Bloom Color: Circular crepe-paper type
blooms in shades of white, peach, orange, pink and coral

Season of Bloom: Spring to early summer (longer at higher elevations)

Other Notes: Prefers cooler weather and will stop blooming in heat. Great for higher elevations. Plant in morning sun at lower elevations.  Allow some of your flowers to set seed so that you will have fresh starts each year.

Assorted Colors

Poppy, Oriental (Papaver)

Height: 2'

Spread: 2'

Bloom Color: Deep red with a black center, Coral, Pink, or Plum

Season of Bloom: Spring

Other Notes: A real showstopper when in bloom. Foliage dies back in heat so be sure to plant something near it that will cover up the foliage post bloom.


Red Feathers (Echium amoenum)

Height: 12"

Spread: 12"

Bloom Color: Rose-red

Season of Bloom: Late Spring (will re-bloom if deadheaded)

Other Notes: Very drought tolerant. Good for hot dry places. A Colorado Plant Select Plant.

** Photo courtesy of Plant Select

Skullcap (Scuttelaria)

Bloom Color: Bright blue or cherry rose

Season of Bloom: Late Spring-Summer (long bloom time)

Other Notes: A low mounding plant.  Drought tolerant once established. Good for hot dry places as it loves sun and heat. A Colorado Plant Select Plant.


Smoky Hills: 12"H x 15"W, Bright blue flowers
Cherry: 6"H x 14"W, Cherry rose flowers

Sun Daisy (Osteospermum)

Height:  8"-12"

Spread:  10"-15"

Bloom Color:  White or purple daisy-like petals

Season of Bloom:  Spring to Late Summer

Other Notes:  We often sell Sun Daisies as annual plants.  These are perennial types that offer early bloom in Spring that lasts throughout the Summer.  Pretty paired with perennial Bachelor's Button (Centaurea), Twinspur (Diascia), or Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe).  Tolerates all soil types and is hardy to Zone 4.


Summer Blooming

Baby's Breath, Upright types (Gypsophila paniculata)

Height: 24"-36"

Spread: 24"-36"

Bloom Color: White

Season of Bloom: Summer (deadheading may prolong bloom into early Fall)

Other Notes: Wonderful fresh cut or dried flower. Good plant to use as a filler to cover up other perennials that go dormant in the summer (poppy, lupine). MUST be planted in well drained soil. Drought Tolerant. Dislikes wet feet in the winter—so plant in a full sun location where snow tends to melt off quickly.

Bachelor's Button / Cornflower / Mountain Bluet (Centaurea)
Bee Balm (Monarda)

Height: 24"-36"

Spread: 24"-36

Bloom Color: lavender, light and bright pinks, reds, violet or white.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: A good summer blooming perennial that adds height to your garden. Butterfly magnet. Spreads quickly in moist soil but is also drought tolerant when established. Susceptible to powdery mildew.

Blue Moon
Jacob Cline
and other assorted colors

Bellflower, Clustered (Campanula glomerata)

Height: 16"-24"

Spread: 15"

Bloom Color: White, pink, or purples are clustered along the stem

Season of Bloom: Early Summer

Other Notes: Very pretty in the garden. Flower stocks are held high above low mounding foliage. Makes a nice cutflower.

Bellflower, Peach Leaf (Campanula persicifolia)

Height: Flower stalks 2-3'

Spread: 15"

Bloom Color: Tall stalks of star-shaped flower clusters in white, blue, or purple.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Flower stalks are held high above low mounding foliage. Has green, strappy leaves. Makes a nice cutflower. Deadhead to prolong bloom. Does not show well in a pot but is a winner in the garden! Drought tolerant once established.

Black-Eyed Susan / Gloriosa Daisy (Rudbeckia)

Height: 18"-4'

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Goldsturm (the hardiest of the bunch-Zone 3) offers large golden yellow daisies with a deep black center. Hirta types also have a black center but with may vary from plain yellow, yellow w/orange or red or straight red toned petals. (The hirta types are often Zone 5 plants)

Season of Bloom: Late Summer

Other Notes: This is a good perennial for late season color.  These are generally available for sale in early Summer-Fall.

Denver Daisy (R. hirta)
Goldsturm (R. fulgida)

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia grandiflorium)


Spread: 12"-24"

Bloom Color: Varies from yellow w/ red centers to burgundy-red.

Season of Bloom: Summer—long bloom time from June to September.

Other Notes: Flowers are followed by fuzzy seedheads. A Rocky Mountain native. Showy but often short-lived.

Arizona Red
Mesa Yellow
Mesa Red
Spintop Copper Sun
Spintop Yellow

Cactus (Hardy)

Do you find beauty in the stark simplicity of the desert?  Or perhaps you want to take drought tolerant plants to the extreme?  Phelan's offers a selection of cactus, hardy to our area.  This may include plants such as varieties of:

Beaver Tail
Claret Cup
Prickly Pear


Visit our perennials department for current selections.

Catmint (Nepeta)


Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Profuse tiny lavender flowers on gray aromatic foliage.

Season of Bloom: Early Summer (with potential to bloom into early Fall)

Other Notes: Shear after first flower for repeat bloom. Drought tolerant and a great magnet for bees and butterflies.

Cat's Pajamas
Little Trudy
Six Hills Giant
Walker's Low

Coneflower (Echinacea species)

Height: 24"-36"

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Daisy-like petals of pink, lavender, white, hot pink, yellow, orange, or red.

Season of Bloom: Late Summer

Other Notes: Butterfly magnets.  Brown, (sometimes yellow) raised central cones are wonderful for dried bouquets in fall.

Cheyenne Spirit
Magnus  (40"H x 18"W—deep lavender pink)
and other assorted Varieties

Note:  Since coneflowers love hot weather, they are one of the slower perennials to wake up.  Because of this trait, best availability for this perennial is in Summer as plants are not often large enough to sell in early Spring.

Daylily (Hemerocallis)


Spread: 12"-36"

Bloom Color: A huge variety of lily-type trumpets. Colors range from yellow, orange, pinks, purples, whites to bi-colors.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Dependable bloomers with a drought tolerant nature. However, they bloom best with some moisture. Grass-like foliage is a good filler in the perennial border.

Assorted Varieties


Height: Varies 2'-5'

Spread: 15"

Bloom Color: Shades of blue, purple, lavender, pink and white

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Elegant flower spikes above clumps of green lobed leaves. Blooms well in full to part sun but dislikes hot temperatures. A WONDERFUL selection for higher altitudes. Stake for protection against wind.

Assorted Magic Fountain Varieties (Dwarf type at 2' tall)
Chinese Delphinium Types

Flax (Linum perenne)

Height: 18"

Spread: 12-15"

Bloom Color: Sky blue flowers wave on top of fine delicate stems.

Season of Bloom: Early Summer

Other Notes: A lovely wisp of a wildflower that has made its way into many a perennial garden. Cut back after bloom to promote rebloom and discourage excessive seeding.  Or leave it to re-seed and spread in your garden.

Gayfeather (Liatris spicata)

Height: 14"-18"

Spread: 12"-18"

Bloom Color: Lavender/purple bottlebrush type flower.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Wonderful for cutting and to attract butterflies.

Gazania (Gazania)

Height: 8"-12"

Spread: 10"

Bloom Color: 3" daisy-like blooms in yellow or orange

Season of Bloom: Summer—long bloom time

Other Notes: Neat mounds of deep green foliage. Colorado Plant Select perennials. Drought tolerant once established. (Zone 4)

Colorado Gold

Geranium, Hardy Garden Types / Cranesbill Geraniums

Height:4"-2 feet

Spread: 12"-24"

Bloom Color: Blue, lavender, pink or white

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Hardy Garden Geraniums are often popular for their ease of care and long bloom period. They are virtually pest-free. Many will provide repeat blooms. Shear plant back to new grow after initial bloom to encourage a second flush of flowers. Geranium sanguineum types (Bloody Cranesbills) offer an added bonus of red-tinged foliage in Fall when cooler temperatures prevail. Best grown in well-drained soil.

Johnson’s Blue: 
blue flowers. Long bloom time. 15"H x 2'W.
: deep blue flowers.  Long bloom time.  15"H x 2'-3'W.

Goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis)

Height: Dwarf sizes:  12"  Common: 2'-3'

Spread: Dwarf sizes: 15"   Common: 2'-3'

Bloom Color: Bright lemon yellow

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Early Fall

Other Notes: Attracts bees and butterflies. Provides late pop of color in the garden.  Zone 5

Fireworks Yellow
Little Lemon

Hibiscus, Hardy / Rose Mallow (Hibiscus)


Spread: 24"-4'

Bloom Color: LARGE rose, red, pink or white flowers (often bi-colored)

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Give this perennial some room—it's a big one with more of a shrub-like presence. Enjoys moisture. Typical for this plant to be slow to emerge in spring. It waits for warm temperatures to arrive before emerging.

Assorted Varieties

Hollyhock (Alcea)

Height: 24"-7' (yes—that reads 7 feet!)

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: White, pink, red, or yellow

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Large, striking, old fashioned flowers.  Best at the back of the garden due to height. Foliage is not attractive later in the season, so be sure to plant something in front of your hollyhocks to hide the leaves.

Varieties:  Assorted varieties sold as plants. See our Seed Section for Many Varieties

Hummingbird carpet / California Fuchsia (Zauschneria)

Height: 12"-30"

Spread: 18"-36"

Bloom Color: Scarlet trumpet shaped flowers

Season of Bloom: Late Summer into Fall

Other Notes: Attracts hummingbirds. Great for late season color. Plant in well-drained soil. A Colorado Plant Select perennial.

Hummingbird Mint (Agastache)


Spread: 18""

Bloom Color: Powder blue to coral, peach and apricot

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Early Fall

Other Notes: Airy flowers with fine foliage and small coral, peach, pink or purple blossoms. Great for hummingbirds. All of them attract butterflies and are fragrant.

Coronado Red
Poquito Butter
Sonoran Sunset
Sunrise Series: Blue, Orange, Salmon Pink, Red, Violet
Sunset (A. rupestris)

Hyssop / Anise Hyssop (Agastache)

Height: 18"

Spread: 18""

Bloom Color: Blue/purple

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Early Fall

Other Notes: Hyssop forms upright flower spikes.  Flowers are fragrant and attract butterflies and bees.  Plant in well-drained soil.


Traditional: Powder blue spikes with green leaves.
Red Fortune: Pink/Rose flowers with green leaves

Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)


Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Typically, hardy types have a lavender blossom. Other varieties come in blue, pink, or white.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Commonly used for its scent—lavender should be sheared lightly after bloom to keep the silvery gray foliage looking nice the rest of the season. Leaves are what we would describe as 'semi-evergreen here'—holding on for a long time into winter.


Hidcote Blue: 18"H x 24"-36"W - Lavender Blue flowers-Zone 4
Dwarf type 18"H x 18"W--Zone 5

Lily, Asiatic

Height: 18"-3'

Spread: 12"-36" at maturity (more narrow early on)

Bloom Color: Striking and large flowers come in white, orange, scarlet, rose, pink, or yellow.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Plant in full or part sun. Grows well even in poor soil as long as it is well drained. VERY drought tolerant.

Varieties: Assorted Colors

Lily, Oriental

Height: 24"-3'

Spread: 12"-36" at maturity (more narrow early on)

Bloom Color: Large flowers in bi-colored range of pinks, white, red, and yellow

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Plant in full or part sun. Grows well even in poor soil as long as it is well drained. VERY drought tolerant.  Oriental lilies bloom slightly later than Asiatic types.

Varieties: Assorted Colors

Mallow / Hollyhock Mallow (Malva sylvestris)

Variety: Zebrina

Height: 24"-48"

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: 2" soft pink flowers with magenta-purple veining in the center

Season of Bloom: Summer to Frost---long Bloom time!

Other Notes: Very tough perennial that is drought tolerant once established. Showy but can be short-lived. Re-seeds readily. (Zone 4)

Marshmallow Plant (Althaea officinalis)

Height: up to 4 feet

Spread: up to 2 feet

Bloom Color: 2" light pink hollyhock type flowers.

Season of Bloom: Summer to Frost

Other Notes: The roots and leaves of this perennial herb have been used medicinally for thousands of years.  Roots can be ground to make a sweet treat.  Will grow in most soil types. (Zone 3)

Milkweed / Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Height: 18"-28"

Spread: 18"

Bloom Color: Erect flower stems with clusters of small yellow or orange flowers.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Slow to start but prolific once established. Very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Likes warm weather so it is slow to emerge in Spring.

Penstemon / Beardtongue (Penstemon)


Spread: 12"-36"

Bloom Color: Tubular flowers mostly in shades of blue, purple and pink. Low-growing pine-leaf types come in scarlet and yellow and the fine foliage is evergreen.

Season of Bloom: Early Summer (some varieties in late Spring)

Other Notes: Hummingbirds and butterflies LOVE these plants. They are virtually pest free. Very drought tolerant. Plant in well-drained soil. Some are hardier than other with regard to Zone. See below.

Penstemon / Beardtongue (Penstemon) - Short

Carolyn's Hope: (P. x mexicali) - 15"H x 8"W. Light pink flowers with white throat. Zone 4.

Pine Leaf Scarlet (P. pinifolius)—15"H x 18"W. Scarlet Flowers, Evergreen Foliage. Zone 4.

Pine Leaf Yellow (P. pinifolius) - 15"H x 18" W. Pastel yellow flowers. Evergreen Foliage. Zone 4.

Rondo Mix (P. barbatus) - 15"H x 12"W.  Pink, Lavender, or Purple. Zone 3.

SteppeSuns Sunset Glow: 15"H x 18"W. a brand new orange pine leaf type from Plant Select. Hardy to Zone 4. Hummingbird magnet for dryland gardens.

Penstemon / Beardtongue (Penstemon) - Medium

Coral Baby:(P. barbatus) up to 20"H x 15"W. Deep coral flowers. Zone 5. Plant Select Perennial.

Pikes Peak Purple (P. mexicali) - 18"H x 15"W.  Purple flowers with an extended bloom time. Zone 5.

Red Rocks (P. mexicali)—18"H x 15"W. Rose-pink & White. Colorado Plant Select Perennial. Zone 5.

Penstemon / Beardtongue (Penstemon) - Tall

Desert Penstemon(p. pseudospectabilis) - 30"H x 20"W. Deep Pink flowers. Zone 5.  Plant Select Perennial.

Rocky Mountain (P. strictus)—24"H x 36"W. Native with striking purple-blue almost iridescent blossoms. Zone 4.

Phlox, Tall Garden (Phlox paniculata)

Height: Regular: 24"-36"    Dwarf Types: 18"

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: White, Pinks, Coral, Orange, Purple.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Adds a cottage garden feel to your perennial beds. Susceptible to powdery mildew.

Flame Series Asst Colors: These are dwarf types.       (Note: See 
groundcover section for creeping phlox)

Pincushion flower, (Scabiosa)


Spread: 12"-18"

Bloom Color: Blue, Pink or White flowers on wiry stems sway above the foliage.

Season of Bloom: Summer---very long bloom time! Deadhead for best display.

Other Notes: Enjoys a moist location. Great container plant. Butterflies love it!

Butterfly Blue
Blue Fama

Red Birds In A Tree (Scrophularia macrantha)


Spread: 18"

Bloom Color: Small red flowers with a white lip

Season of Bloom: Summer to Fall

Other Notes: Great perennial to add height to the garden. Colorado Plant Select perennial.  Zone 4.

Red Hot Poker / Torch Lily (Kniphofia)

Height: 18"-4'

Spread: 28"-36"

Bloom Color: Spikes of orange or yellow flowers on leafless stems rise above grass-like foliage.

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Very drought tolerant. MUST be planted in well-drained soil.

** Photo Courtesy Plant Select

Red Valerian / Jupiter's Beard (Centranthus ruber)

Height: 24"-36"

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Rose-red blossom on a mounded plant.

Season of Bloom: Early Summer—deadhead for repeat bloom

Other Notes: Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. A long-blooming medium sized perennial. Will self seed but seedlings are easy to control.

Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

Height: 36"-48"

Spread: 18"-36"

Bloom Color: Small lavender blossoms

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Fall

Other Notes: Silvery foliage. This type has a narrow habit so it is good for smaller gardens (compared with traditional Russian Sage. EXTREMELY drought tolerant.

We offer Russian Sage varieties in both dwarf and standard height varieties.

Sage, Ornamental (Artemisia)


Spread: 15"- 30"

Bloom Color: Silver foliage (tiny ball shaped silver flowers)

Season of Bloom: Silver foliage adds texture all summer and fall

Other Notes: Great for hot dry places in perennial beds and rock gardens. Also works well as a filler in containers. Combines well with dark colored plants. Mounding habits.  Plant in well drained soil

Creeping Artemisia 'Tiny Green'
Powis Castle:
 fine leaf ornamental type with silvery leaves.
Silver Brocade (Artemisia stelleriana): fuzzy grey leaves, very similar to the annual Dusty Miller.

Salvia, Meadow Sage (Salvia nemorosa)


Spread: 24"

Bloom Color: Purple, pink, white or lavender

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Drought tolerant. Shear after initial bloom for repeat flowering. Attracts bees and hummingbirds.

Bumbleberry: deep fuchsia blooms
Caradonna  (Purple, 24"H x 15"W, Zone 3)
East Friesland
May Night  (Purple, 18"H x 24"W, Zone 4)
Snow Hill: Bright white blooms

Salvia, Mexican Sage (Salvia darcyii)

Height:  3'

Spread:  2'

Bloom Color:  Brilliant Red

Season of Bloom: Late Summer thru Fall

Other Notes: Want some hummingbirds to visit?  ...plant this!   (not for high altitudes, hardy to zone 5b).  A Plant Select Plant

Windwalker Royal Red

Sea Holly (Eryngium planum)

Bloom Color:Unique blue spiny flowers

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Fall

Other Notes: Drought tolerant.  Great for a hot and dry spot.  MUST HAVE well drained soil.

Blue Hobbit: Dwarf type

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum superbum)

Height: 12"-28"

Spread: 12"-24"

Bloom Color: Most commonly white (sometimes yellow) with yellow centers

Season of Bloom: Summer—very long bloom time if they are deadheaded.

Other Notes: Drought tolerant. A clean and bright, cheerful favorite for the perennial border.


Alaska (36"H x 24"W)
Betsy: (24"H x 24"W)
Silver Princess (dwarf type at 12"H x 18"W)
Snowcap (dwarf type at 12"H x 12'W)

Sedum, Upright Types


Spread: 12"-24"

Bloom Color: Rose tones

Season of Bloom: Late Summer to Early Fall

Other Notes: A good late season bloomer. Do not deadhead. Seed heads provide winter interest and food for birds. Very pretty as a non-traditonal cutflower.

Autumn Charm: variegated leaves and mauve flowers.
Autumn Joy (S. spectabile): a mainstay in the perennial border. (24"H x 24"W)
Class Act (S. spectabile): bright pink flowers
Mr. Goodbud: purple-pink flowers 16"H x 18"W)

Note:  See our groundcover section for MANY types of low growing Sedum.

Tickseed (Coreopsis)


Spread: 18"

Bloom Color: Yellow

Season of Bloom: Summer

Other Notes: Some have strappy leaves while others have very fine airy foliage (threadleaf types). All require well drained soil.

Lanceleaf Varieties:

Early Sunrise: golden yellow semi- double flowers

Threadleaf Types:
Note:  Threadleaf coreopsis love hot weather.  So, they are one of the slower perennials to wake up.  Because of this trait, best availability for this perennial is in Summer as plants are not often large enough to sell in early Spring.

Berry Chiffon: raspberry pink blooms

Moonbeam:  bright sulphur colored flowers

Route 66: yellow flowers with red centers

Zagreb: single yellow flowers

Twinspur (Diascia integerrima)

Variety: Coral Canyon

Height: 15"

Spread: 18"

Bloom Color: Salmon pink blooms on a mounded plant

Season of Bloom: Summer to Fall,,,very long bloom time

Other Notes: Colorado Plant Select perennial.

Veronica, Upright Types (Veronica spicata)

Height: 12"-24"

Spread: 18"-24"

Bloom Color: Shades of white, rose, or blue flower spikes.

Season of Bloom: Begins Late Spring to Early Summer

Other Notes: LONG bloom time—deadheading will allow you get to additional blossoms through August. Butterflies also love this plant.

Lavender Lightsaber
Royal Candles
and other assorted colors

Yarrow (Achillea)

Height: 2'-3'

Spread: 2'

Bloom Color: Wide variety from yellow, red, pink, white, peach, or buff.

Season of Bloom: Summer to Early Fall

Other Notes: Drought tolerant and virtually pest free.


Cerise Queen
Little Moonshine
New Vintage Red
New Vintage Violet
Song Siren Layla

Fall Blooming


Height: 8" to 4'

Spread: 16"-28"

Bloom Color: white, pink, rose, lavender or purple

Season of Bloom: Fall

Other Notes: Great late season color. Very pretty when paired with grasses for fall display. Butterfly magnet.

Varieties: Assorted Colors

Mums, Garden (Chrysanthemum)

Height: 15"-36'

Spread: 24"-36"

Bloom Color: Single or double daisy-like flowers. Range from copper, lavender, pink, bronze, white, burgundy, rust, and orange.

Season of Bloom: Fall

Other Notes: Consistent moisture and fertilizer give the best flower display. Pinch back buds prior to July 4th for more flowers.

See also these flowers in Summer bloomers that continue into Fall... 

Hyssop, Goldenrod, Hummingbird Carpet (California Fuchsia), Mallow (Hollyhock Mallow), Red Birds in a Tree, Russian Sage, Sea Holly, Sedum, Twinspur, Yarrow.

Map of Colorado Springs with Phelan Gardens location marked

Visit Our Central Colorado Springs Location

We are open all year round and always offer the seasons most popular varieties for gardeners and plant lovers alike!

Phelan Gardens
4955 Austin Bluffs Parkway.
Colorado Springs, CO, 80918

(719) 574-8058

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A photograph of various signs that point to sections of Phelan Gardens such as Perennials, Vines, Grasses and more
A small branch with the rising sun behind it